1) Name of the SSC Murshidabad.
2)Address of the SSC Murshidabad: The registered office address to be given.
3)Membership of the SSC: The membership is open to all the CBSE affiliated school of Murshidabad district.
The annual fee to be decided by the members of SSC Murshidabad. It should be at
par with other SSCS.
4)New membership: Any school after receiving affiliation letter in any month of the
year can become the
member of SSC by paying annual fee for that year.
5)Cessation of membership: Membership can be ceased if any member acting against the Sahodaya,
not attending meeting continuously and nonpayment of
annual fee continuously for two years.
6) General Body: Members of SSC represented by the head of the school is called General Body.
a) General Body is the supreme authority of the Sahodaya.
b) It shall formulate the policies of SSC.
c) Amend its By-Laws.
d) Elect its office bearers.
e) Pass Annual Budget.
f) Rectify the resolutions passed in the last General Body Meeting.
g) Hold monthly meeting on a fix date and time.
h) The management of SSC and all its affairs shall be vested with General Body.
i) To prepare Annual Budget.
j) And to do all such acts and things which are essential for attaining the aims and objectives of the SSC as decided from time to time.
k) It will hold election for electing office bearers President, Vice President,
Secretary and Treasurer etc.
7) Executive committee / body of the Sahodaya: It means all four office bearers -
President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer
8)Role and responsibility of Executive committee: Members of SSC represented by the head of the school is called General Body.
a) President: The President is the Chairperson of the Sahodaya who shall preside over all the meetings. He/She have the right to cast its vote in case of tie and shall be President of all committees and do all other acts
or things for attaining the aims and objectives of the Sahodaya.
b) Vice President: In absence of president, the Vice President shall do all the acts or things vested with the President.
c) Secretary: Secretary shall be custodian of all Sahodaya records and assets and look after the execution of policies and decisions taken by the General Body/Sahodaya.
d) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall prepare the budget, shall maintain books of account and money receipt and assist Secretary in all matters.
11) Meeting:All the meetings of Sahodaya shall be convened by the Secretary in the consultation with the President of Sahodaya. Not less than 7 days shall be required for convening the meeting but emergency meeting can be called at short
No business shall be transacted in any meeting unless one third members are present. In absence of quorum the meeting shall be adjourned to some other date.
12) Funds: Funds can be raised by collecting membership fee Rs.................and shall be deposited in the bank account of Sahodaya in any nationalized bank. The accounts of the Sahodaya shall be audited by CA and report shall be placed in the General Body Meeting at the end of the financial year.
13) Jurisdiction: Jurisdiction of the SSC will be the place where its registered office is situated.
14) Who shall attend the SSC meeting: It is very vital to decide that who shall be authorized to attend the meetings- Vice Principal, senior teachers, Secretary of the school, Chairman of the school, Director of the school etc.
15)Activities carried out by the Sahodaya: General Body shall divide about various activities,
its Venus, in-charges, time, fees etc. Activities may be as decided by the
General Body i.e.
Orientation Program
Seminar Workshop
Joint program for home examination making of examination papers, particularly for Board going classes. Making of 10 to 15 sets for practice before board exam.
Sports Cultural activity
Inter school competitions
Discussion on implementation of circulars and guidelines issued by CBSE from time to time. Community development projects on adolescence education program, road safety,
consumer awareness etc.
Miscellaneous:The Sahodaya meeting should not be in the same school all the times.
It should be in rotation basis and to be decided in General Body Meeting. All other formalities to be completed as per circular of CBSE March 17, 2022. Circular number Acad-40/2022 under the guidance of President of Sri KK Jaiswal sir.
25/4/22 (BN Singh)
Secretary of Sahodaya,
Murshidabad,WB.(Principal, SDPS)